Almost two thirds of small and medium sized British businesses say that the UK should stay in the European Union because it is vital for business according to a new survey.
The survey by BNI, which is a 13,000 member strong organisation for small businesses in the UK shows that there is a huge amount of support for the EU by company owners who feel that they need the exports that Europe brings to keep their company’s afloat.
The survey shows that Europe is a natural extension of their trading turf. It also showed that businesses in the UK preferred dealing with European companies that had similar ways of doing business.
While many businesses struggle to secure loans to expand their business in the UK, it is easy to see why they which to be able to continue to pursue business within the EU. Europe accounts for over 50 per cent of all of the UK’s exports according to government figures.
The results of the survey might help the political parties to shape their campaigns for Downing Street but they will have to make a clear choice between supporting businesses or individuals. While the business supporters of the European Union are clear cut in numbers the individuals are much less decided, with around 51 per cent of British people saying that they want to leave the EU. Opinions could change by the time the referendum comes around but it could seriously impact the politician’s strategies.
In May 12 leading business men, including Richard Branson argued the case for Britain remaining in the EU stating that it was “over-whelming”.